Heart ConditionsHeart Conditions

Environmental and climatic changes have brought drastic changes to the world. The summers are getting hotter, and the winters are cold. This irregularity in the temperature and weather changes your routine and causes a poor impact on your overall health. When the weather is hot, your body has to make special efforts to maintain its core temperature, putting extra pressure on the organs.

If you already have a heart health issue, this added pressure on your organs can complicate things, and you might face a major complication. So, mitral regurgitation or blockage is not the only heart issue; a dehydrated body can also cause severe effects

Thus, you should ensure that your body does not get that extra pressure, keeping it hydrated and cool.

Summers can be a great time to get in shape and improve your heart health, especially if you take advantage of the wealth of information available online. https://bloodchronicles.net/  is one website that provides helpful tips on topics such as how to lower blood pressure, eat for better heart health, and exercise safely outdoors during the summer. Be sure to check out the website for up-to-date articles on everything from healthy recipes to advice on dealing with heart diseases.

How Summers Affect Your Heart Health

  • When the outside temperature is high, the body needs to work extra to maintain the temperature and keep itself cool. Sweating or evaporation is one of the defence mechanisms of the body. It is an effort to keep itself cool.
  • Sweating takes away more than just body fluids. It dehydrates your body and attracts more heat radiation towards it, causing heat strokes and other issues. It can lead to palpitations and can even lead to irregular blood pressure.

Other complications like irregular blood circulation and more happen due to increased heat in the environment. So, it is fair to say that increased heat in summer can affect your body and heart health.

Things You Can Do To Avoid Heart Health Issues In Summers

  • The most crucial thing to do is visit your doctor and get a regular diagnosis. Ask your doctor if it is safe to indulge in vigorous exercises during the summer or if your body needs to slow down.
  • You need to keep yourself hydrated every time, especially when you are out in the sun or do not have access to air conditioning. Even if you are not feeling thirsty, keep sipping water to keep your body active.
  • If it is not essential, do not step out during the afternoons when the sun is in full swing. This way, you can avoid the sun and protect your heart, skin and body.
  • Keep an eye on the foods you eat during the summer season, ensuring you include some water-rich fruits in your diet. It will work on strengthening your body’s ability to fight heat strokes.
  • If you have heart health issues like mitral regurgitation, it is better to avoid stressing your body out in the summer. Keep in constant touch with your doctor and do as he directs.

Taking care of your body is essential throughout the year, but giving some special attention during the hot summer months is inevitable. Follow the tips listed above, and get in touch with your doctor in case of any issues. 

By peter