Much like any other industry, starting a career in IT is not as simple as just landing a job in a leading company after graduation. One needs to plan properly and gain the required expertise to start their career as a coder at a renowned company. Revature reviews discuss that the journey to becoming a coder can be a pretty exciting and interesting one. Tech talent development companies like Revature especially help candidates to become equipped in some of the most in-demand skills for coding and software development.

Revature reviews shares insights on preparing to start a career as a coder

Learning a new skill to be employed in a flourishing but competitive field like IT does take a good amount of work. Rather than trying to find shortcuts, one needs to go all in and become fully committed towards honing their coding skills. Hard work, discipline, and consistent practice are the fuel that drives the journey of becoming a good coder. After becoming fully committed to becoming a good coder, one can follow the steps mentioned above to progress in their career path:

  • Choose the right language: The very first step of becoming a coder is to select the right programming language to learn. If one is starting right from scratch, they should consider choosing a language that is in high demand to improve the odds of landing a good job after the completion of their training. JavaScript, Java, and Python are some of the most popular programming languages.
  • Gear up to learn: After selecting the right language, one needs to get started with their learning journey. There are many online resources, including tutorials, books, and digital courses, available which can help people to learn coding. Aspiring coders can even choose to get enrolled into the training programs offered by companies like Revature. According to Revature reviews, this company specializes on training entry-level talent on the most in-demand skills and certifications. While learning a programming language may seem daunting at first, by putting in adequate efforts, one would be writing code like a pro in no time.
  • Join an online community: One of the best ways to hone coding skills is to join an online community of coders. This will provide a person with access to more experienced coders who can answer any questions they may have. It will also allow newbie coders to explore examples of how coding is used in daily life. Online communities are also good places to find collaborators for projects or even connect with potential employers.
  • Get certified: Once a person feels confident enough in their coding skills and expertise, they should get certified. A lot of employers today prefer candidates who have obtained industry relevant certification. Having a certification on the resume will show potential employers that the person is fully committed to their coding career, and have all the skills required to be successful in this field.

After getting a valuable certification in coding, one can apply for entry level job roles in the industry. To improve their chances of finding a job in coding, people should proactively network with industry peers and potential employers through IT workshops, conferences, and other events.